Ministry of Economic Affairs

The Security Innovation Competition is a nationwide challenge. It’s a way to find innovative solutions for important cyber security issues. The Ministry of Security and Justice , the Ministry of Defence, the National Police and the Royal Military Police challenge startups to come up with innovative ideas. The theme for 2016 was Intelligent Data Visualisation.
The Security Innovation Competition is a nationwide challenge. It’s a way to find innovative solutions for important cyber security issues. In 2016, The Ministry of Security and Justice, the Ministry of Defence, the National Police and the Royal Military Police challenge SMEs and startups to submit innovative ideas in the field of intelligent data visualisation. SMEs and startups are challenged to come up with new and original ideas about intelligent data visualisation. The winner receives 200,000 euros to develop its proposal with the government.
How can we make better use of the growing and changing sets of data? That is the subject of the Security Innovation Competition, VIC 2016. SMEs and startups are challenged to come up with innovative and original ideas on the theme of Intelligent Data Visualisation. The winner receives 200,000 euros to develop its proposal together with the government. The Ministry of Security and Justice asked us to develop a promotional film.
We developed a promotional film with an abstract and futuristic look, to motivate viewers to participate in the safety competition. The animation is constructed from a combination of stylised 2D and 3D elements. The animation is used on a landing page of the Ministry and distributed through various mailings.