The Golden Circle Explained
Getting the picture

HBO asked in60seconds to develop an animation to bring HBO OnDemand and HBO GO to the attention of customers, in a concise and clear manner. Customers ought to be invited and challenged to use these HBO applications.
HBO The Netherlands (Home Box Office) brings quirky and interesting US TV series, movies, and documentaries – without advertisement. All content that is broadcasted on the HBO channel can also be viewed through HBO GO and HBO On Demand, applications that are free with your subscription. You can find On Demand in the menu of your interactive box at your provider. You can use HBO GO through the app that you can install on your smartphone, tablet or laptop.
HBO is in the Netherlands primarily known as an extra film channel in the packages of different providers. The other services of HBO (OnDemand and HBO GO) are underexposed. Existing customers are often unaware of the potential of their current subscription. HBO wants to point out to its existing (and new) customers what possibilities and services HBO offers.
HBO asked in60seconds to develop an animation to bring HBO OnDemand and HBO GO to the attention of customers, in a concise and clear manner. Customers ought to be invited and challenged to use these HBO applications.
For HBO, we developed a clear, bright, and dynamic animation style. This makes a clear distinction between the cinematic style that HBO uses for their other content, and the more instrumental message to be transferred now. However, we’ve included HBO content (images from Game of Thrones) to maintain a clear link with what the customer is familiar with. Due to the high speed of the animation, and to-the-point-visuals, the viewer is drawn into the story. And sticks the message, that HBO has more to offer, better.